Some Great Information about Food !!
"Food" is a common name and we eat daily different types foods. Foods contains and provide many kinds of nutritional support for the body just like fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. So we told that food is important element for our body. If we don't eat good food properly our body don't supply increasing energy. There are many kinds food in our world such as Plants, Animals, Production,Taste perception. People eat food with there each hobby's item. We have some our favourite's food item, that we eat daily, and people collected these foods from market. Actually food and our life is related with each other. We should collect and eat good foods for our life.Our old history says that, our past people secured food through only two methods one is hunting and other is a gathering and agricultural. But today most of the foods supplied by the many food industry.
Human health needs healthy foods !!
Human health is depend on foods. If we eat good and fresh food our body is safe for many kinds of "Virus" and "Infection". But if we don't eat properly our health will don't work properly and lay down in the fields and our health have many problems and at a times any humans life never be seen. So human health needs foods not only foods we need good foods for our health. As we saw some people are very sick and they haven't much more energy, there body work not properly because they don't eat healthy foods and don't take care about healthy foods. Foods have other name and it is "Life". Healthy and goods foods helps our body performance increasing, and i gives you some points like;
* When we eat healthy foods our body's system will grow up and we feel comfortable
* Healthy foods give us much more energy
* Healthy foods contains many Vitamins, fats, proteins, minerals, nutrition etc that make me healthy
* and give us such a healthy life
* Healthy Foods refresh our body and mind
* Healthy Foods refresh our body and mind
* When we eat healthy foods our Eye, Blood, Hair, and others part are greatly improved there work and skill
Which food have which "Vitamin"
I already told you that, there are many kinds of food in our earth. Some are "Plants" and some are 'Animals'.
Plans means;
* Fruits
* Many Trees (etc)
And other side is "Animals" means some kind animals that we can eat just like;
* Fish
* Goat (etc)
* Chicken
* Fish
* Goat (etc)
* Chicken
* Cow
The Vitamin is one of the most things to our body we eat food because we need our necessary Vitamin.
I give you a little Vitamin chart that you will know some knowledge about which food have which Vitamin;

Food helps us increasing human"Hormones" !!
You are right , food helps us increasing human hormones. When we eat food, then food go to our bally, then it gives us nutrition and fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. These things create and increasing Important hormones in our body. These hormones are greatly need us because hormune is safed our human system. If there are no hormune's in our body so that our body's system will not work properly.
Some important foods name that i will give you !!
There are many types food in our world .We eat food when we are hungry. But some important food that we eat regularly. Eat healthy and fresh food regularly. So that we are felling happy life. Now i am give you some food name that you will know that eat these food confidently;
* Green Beans * Salmon* Watermelon* Tomatoes* Blueberries* Bananas* Apple
Which Food You should Buy and Eat ?
In our daily life we buy and eat foods. We don't know which types of food we should buy. So that we easily buy many unhealthy foods and we fall in a danger just liker many food poisoning attacked us. So in that case i give u some advice and you should follow these advice;
* Buy fresh and healthy food just like on the top, Buy food on a good shop
* Avoid expired date foods and don't buy them or eat
* when you buy food, plz see on the packet line that everything is ok
* When you eat food, first you should wash your food on the water
* Don't buy food on the outside store.
My advice for eat healthy and fresh food !!
Dear, friends i hope my explain about healthy food, is essential for your life, i think you enjoy it very much. So friends eat healthy and good food, also buy good food on the food shop. Thank you, soo much for reads my artical about healthy food. Bye take care of your health and stay with me, see up next post again.
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